A Sale and a Pinning Party!

I just wanted to post a quick update. First, congrats to the three winners of my teachers notebook store giveaway who won my first grade high frequency word wall cards. From now until Saturday, I will have them on sale at 50% off, which makes them just 250.

You can find them here. They are also on sale in my TPT store at 20% off, so they are $4.00 dollars there. They can be found here

The second thing I wanted to post about is that I am having a pinning party on teachers notebook. For those of you who don't know what a pinning party is, it is when you join a party and pin each others products for that party them on pinterest at least once a day to help everyone get more publicity and sales. The theme of my party is Social Studies and it is starting tomorrow and going until November 21st, which is next Saturday. There are still plenty of spots left to join. For more information or to join the party, you can find it here

That's all for now! I recently made a few purchases I am very excited about and can't wait to post about them soon. 

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